Everyone has a story of their teenagehood. A story filled with beautiful adventures, feelings of confusion, the quest for self-discovery, the thirst to belong, and concerns about what the future might hold. Gingko is humbled and honored to use a mirror of our teenagehood, what we wish we knew at that point in life, mixed with research from experts, games, and tips to enable teenagers Blossom through Teenagehood.
The Blossom through Teenagehood book is artistically designed and easy to read to inspire the self-realization journey of teenagers in the areas of Sexual and reproductive health, personal development, mental health, and essential entrepreneurial skill development.
As of 1st March 2023, Gingko is excited to announce the book's release, which can easily be accessed in soft copy and e-copy.
To know more about teenagehood experiences, get it, read it, and live it, available at;
- the All African Bookshop on the ground floor, Hazina towers in Nairobi CBD, and from their website
- Nuria store is located in Bazaar plaza, Nairobi,
- and Amazon kindle store.
All the profits from the sale of the Blossom through Teenaghood book will go a long way in supporting the community mentorship sessions.
Also, please share your teenagehood experiences with us through our website and social media handles. Your story matters to us.
Thank you to all the co-authors, Dr. Ziporrah Kailu, Dr. Claire Otunga, Ivy Akii, and Maialen Zapirain.