Focusing on transformative innovation in Africa and motivated by establishing healthy ecosystem pillars for social enterprises, social entrepreneurship gurus convened to mark the 6th Annual Africa Conference on Social Entrepreneurship. This yearly commemoration brings together diverse social entrepreneurs across Africa to capacity build, network, and inspire each other to innovative actions to social and economic challenges around us.

Held on the 27th of April, 10th, and 11th of May 2023, at the Tangaza University College Gingko Africa actively contributed to the discussions and enriched the perspectives of many visitors and social entrepreneurs. During these interactions, Gingko Africa made invaluable connections with companies and Small and Medium enterprises (SMEs) and positioned itself as a vital player in the holistic development of adolescents.


In the spirit of leaving no teenager behind, Gingko Africa continues to position itself for collaborations, create more impact in the communities, and lead intriguing conversations around sexual and reproductive health, which is an essential yet controversial discussion. As Gingko keeps making strides towards achieving a teen pregnancy-free community, resilience, hope, and bravery are what we embrace in the journey.

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