Schools enabling all students to achieve their full potential —young people who are all round at able to fit in the society as young changemakers.
1. Participating and working closely with member schools in the advocacy of national and regional campaigns that seek to advance the holistic development of teenagers.
2. Sharing information on training, capacity strengthening opportunities around sexual and reproductive health, personal development, mental health, entrepreneurship skill development and career choices.
3. Member schools co-host and co-ordinate Gingko Africa events and campaigns in their respective counties.
4.Participate in Gingko Africa’s activities and programmes held every three years to contribute in identifying, analyzing and endorsing Gingko’s strategic/priority/thematic areas of concern.
5. Two-free student mentorship sessions for every 50 copies of Blossom through Teenagehood books accessible to students
6. Yearly recognition award for the best academic institution that equips and builds teen experiences